Minolta MC Rokkor PF 85mm 1:1.7 – MC II – review

Minolta MC Rokkor PF 85mm 1:1.7 vintage manual lens review (Minolta MC Tele Rokkor-PF 1:1.7 f=85mm)

  • Official classification: MC
  • Collector’s classification: MC II, Hills &Valleys, Knurled

Let’s look at another one legendary lens produced by Minolta. A lot of photographers consider that this is the best portrait lens ever. And in overall unformal rating, it may stay in second place by popularity, right after the bokeh-monster Rokkor 58mm F1.2 which I consider as mostly known Minolta lens.

One time I was lucky to get the copy in ‘like new’ condition with original lens-shade, caps, and case and that occasion has driven me to find and review the full set of MC-II line Minolta Rokkor lenses. Some of the articles have been published earlier but this lens was a pusher to the full idea. (UPD: it is done! – the site contains articles about the whole line of MC II lens)


Minolta MC Rokkor QF 200mm 1:3.5 vs. MC Rokkor PE 200mm 1:4.5 vs MD 200mm 1:2.8 – comparison

Minolta SR 200mm lenses comparison:

  • Minolta MC Tele Rokkor QF 200mm 1:3.5 (MC II)
  • Minolta MC Tele Rokkor PE 200mm 1:4.5 (MC II)
  • Minolta MD 200mm 1:4.5 (New-MD, MD III)

Comparison of lenses Minolta MD 200mm 1:2.8, Minolta MC Tele Rokkor QF 200mm 1:3.5 and Minolta MC Tele Rokkor PE 200mm 1:4.5

At first glance, it seems that the fight is not very fair, because newer MD version is faster than previous MCs. But it turned out that speed is important of course, but not very much, look at the results.
