Helios vs Minolta 58mm comparison
- Minolta MC Rokkor PF 58mm 1:1.4 (MC II)
- Helios 44M-7 58mm 1:2.0 (M42)
Everyone knows who will be a winner, but let’s check.
Helios vs Minolta 58mm comparison
Everyone knows who will be a winner, but let’s check.
Minolta SR 58mm lenses comparison:
Comparison of lenses Minolta MC Rokkor PG 58mm 1:1.2, Minolta MC Rokkor PF 58mm 1:1.4
I love both lenses, each for a different reason, but this is a rare case when it is not possible to say something like “one of the lenses is a little worse, but a gap isn’t so big to think about it“. No. Here we see a total victory of the faster version.
This comparison is correct only for conditions and equipment used for tests. Test results can differ if any element is changed