Minolta MC Rokkor 28mm 1:3.5 vs MC 28mm 1:2.5 vs MC 28mm1:3.5 vs MD 28mm 1:3.5 – comparison

Minolta SR 28mm lenses comparison:

  • Minolta MC Rokkor SG 28mm 1:3.5 (MC I) aka Minolta MC W Rokkor-SG 1:3.5 f=28mm
  • Minolta MC Rokkor SI 28mm 1:2.5 (MC II) aka Minolta MC W Rokkor-SI 1:2.5 f=28mm
  • Minolta MC Rokkor SG 28mm 1:3.5 (MC II) aka Minolta MC W Rokkor-SG 1:3.5 f=28mm
  • Minolta MD 28mm 1:3.5 (MD III) aka Minolta New-MD 35mm f/1.8

This is a battle of not expensive Minolta wide lenses – 28mm focal distance with quite slow apertures is on the ring. LensWorks has another one battle dedicated to the New-MD lens generation and it seems that this comparison between fighters from MC era can extend an understanding of how this focal distance was covered by Minolta.


Minolta MC Rokkor SG 28mm 1:3.5 W – MC-I – review

Minolta MC Rokkor SG 28mm 1:3.5 W vintage manual lens review (Minolta MC W Rokkor-SG 1:3.5 f=28mm)

  • Official classification: MC
  • Collector’s classification: MC I, Flat Grip

This lens is very similar for already reviewed Minolta MC W Rokkor SG 28mm F/3.5 (“Hills&Valleys”/”Knurled” design or MC II). Texts in both articles are the same up to intro and conclusion, except for a few little changes. Test-materials are unique for each version.

28mm/f3.5 – the only one available true wide lens for photographers who need wide-angle in Minolta’s “steel&glass” style for reasonable money and without radioactivity. There were no alternatives in that period.


Minolta MC Rokkor PF 100mm 1:2.5 vs MC Rokkor QE 100mm 1:3.5 vs MD 100mm 1:2.5 – comparison

Minolta SR 100mm lenses comparison:

  • Minolta MC Tele Rokkor PF 100mm 1:2.5 (MC II)
  • Minolta MC Tele Rokkor QE 100mm 1:3.5 (MC II)
  • Minolta MD 100mm 1:2.5 (MD III)

100mm is a very popular portraiture focal distance for today, greatly demanded by photographers. Historically, the number of available 100mm lenses is much less than 85 mm or 135mm for example, and prices can’t be called small. Each of these three tested objects has its own feature that makes the lens strong. Therefore, the final choice is likely to be based not on the sharpness but on personal preferably of a photographer. Anyway, let’s select a champion in resolution.


Minolta MC I Rokkor HF 300mm 1:4.5 vs MD 300mm 1:4.5 – comparison

Minolta SR 300mm lenses comparison:

  • Minolta MC Tele Rokkor HF 300mm 1:4.5 (MC I)
  • Minolta MD 300mm 1:4.5 (New-MD, MD III)

This focal distance is enough long to use “on sensor stabilization” during real photography, but for testing, OSS-systems are inappropriate because may affect the results. So, for this comparison, a combination of two tripods was used. It was looked a bit funny but I’m sure that the camera and lens were fixed enough.

Minolta MC Rokkor HF 300mm 1:4.5 Tele – MC I – review

Minolta MC Rokkor HF 300mm 1:4.5 vintage manual lens review (Minolta MC Tele Rokkor-HF 1:4.5 f=300mm )

  • Official classification: MC
  • Collector’s classification: MC I

It’s difficult for me to make an objective conclusion about this lens – I don’t use such focal distances in real photo-sessions. This lens is for something like birds or foxes or maybe for Moon. Anyway – I can test it in the standard way.


Minolta MC Rokkor QE 100mm 1:3.5 Tele – MC I – review

Minolta MC Rokkor QE 100mm 1:3.5 vintage manual lens review (Minolta MC Tele Rokkor-QE 1:3.5 f=100mm )

  • Official classification: MC
  • Collector’s classification: MC I

This is the final reincarnation number four of Minolta SR-mount 100mm lenses with faster F=3.5. Production started in 1959 (AR-I design by collectors indexing) and finished with this MC-I between 1969-1970.

Since the first test results were obtained I don’t understand – why Minolta stopped to produce it? This lens is one of the biggest sensations since the site was started.