How to read LensQAWorks site

For today, the site contains three main lines of articles: Reviews, LensWars, LensRomantic – these sets can be called as projects. Most of materials are related to that rubrics, but not every, some of the articles are devoted to other issues.
- Reviews – classical format articles with descriptions of lenses, results of tests and conclusions.
- LensWars – comparisons of the different lenses.
- LensRomantic – comparisons of the identical lenses.
In details:
Reviews can contain sharpness/resolution tests on the different distances with or without compensation of field curvatures, chromatic aberrations test, geometry, coma, vignetting, bokeh, light-bubbles etc. Also can be presented historical notes, optical design schemes, pictures with lens exteriors, conclusions and personal opinions.
Every review has a dedicated label, like this one:
If you see a picture like this – just click on it to go to review. Also you can copy it as html-element to anywhere you need.
After getting a new lens, I always take a few technical shots to understand its strengths and weaknesses – usually, it helps me a lot to start using an unknown lens with much less of doubt. One day I decided that my data might be interesting for someone else and this site has been made.
Head-to-head comparisons of lenses. These tests are based on photos taken on the same gear, same conditions and even without a big gap in time between tests.
Here is an example:
This is a very demanded type of tests – the best way to answer for the typical questions like “what lens is the best by a specific aspect/characteristic”
Such comparisons can give us a piece of information about the degree of trust and the degree of applicability of lenses testing results. It can be interesting mostly for collectors or technicians,so doesn’t contain extended conclusions or descriptions with transcripts of results – everything can be seen on samples diagrams. True photographers can skip it and immediately go to the lens review pages.
The example:
This is not the secret that most of the lenses have deviations in construction which mean deviations in optical behavior. Reasons can be any: production quality tolerance, normal wear, consequences of disassembling, damages, etc. So, such comparisons help to understand: how much tests results are applicable to all other lenses of the same model line?
This article also can help with understanding of the purpose.
I don’t especially tend to look for second copies of lenses, but you know how it happens, for example, you bought one lens for review, but tomorrow you accidentally found a set of other lenses into which it belongs. If this is a bargain, then you still buy the kit, and then sell the extra lenses. Why not do paired tests before selling?
I hope that LensQAWorks will help you to choose the right lens. Have a nice day!