Minolta MD 24-50mm 1:4.0 Zoom vs MD 24mm 1:2.8, MD 28mm 1:2.8 (5×5), MD 35mm 1:2.8, MD 50mm 1:1.4 – comparison
Minolta MD 24-50mm 1:4.0 zoom vs primes comparison.
- Minolta MD Zoom 24-50mm 1:4.0 (MD III)
- MD 24mm 1:2.8 (MD III)
- MD 28mm 1:2.8 (5×5) (MD III)
- MD 35mm 1:2.8 (MD III)
- MD 50mm 1:1.4 (MD III)
In most cases, top-rated fixed focal lenses are better than zooms, but it isn’t always true, and here is one of the exclusions.
Tested lenses reviews:
Minolta MD 24-50mm 1:4.0 Zoom vs primes comparison – sharpness
Long-distance test description
- Camera Sony A7II (24mpx, full frame) – RAW (ARW), tripod, A-mode, ISO 100, WB fixed, SteadyShot OFF, manual focus correction for every shot
- Targets (buildings) – fixed by gravity power on the distances in more than 200 meters
- ARW post-processing – Capture One, default settings, 100% crops 300×200 px
Focal distance 24mm
Scene preview (24mm)
Test results (24mm)
Focal distance 28mm
Scene preview (28mm)
Test results (28mm)
Focal distance 35mm
Scene preview (35mm)
Test results (35mm):
Focal distance 50mm
Scene preview (50mm)
Test results (50mm)
Minolta MD 24-59mm 1:4.0 Zoom vs. primes comparison – final conclusion
When I received the first test results at 24mm I did not believe my eyes – the zoom shows the same result as the most famous and popular MD 24 / 2.8. It’s a big surprise. Just think about it – Minolta MD III 24/2.8 is the famous performer in resolution terms, this lens has not competitors (with F2.8 at least) and Zoom shows the same result. “Unberibubu” (Japanglish)
Don’t forget that this zoom is cheaper than the set of these four primes. On the other hand, the zoom isn’t so good at 28-35-50mm. Very subjective choice. One point I see – if a photographer mostly prefers the 24mm angle view, then it may be better to get MD 24-50/4 because diapason from 25 to 50 mm would be something like a free bonus. Additionally, the sharpness of Zoom on 25-50mm is still really appropriate even for landscapes. So, we see the one another gem of Minolta, and what about me – this lens can compete in fighting for the “Travel King Lens” award among all world’s lenses.
Egor Nikolaev · 2019-05-07 at 14:16
Hi! Thanks for review, this 24-50 is really a gem. One thing is confusing me is resolution/sharpness performance at 24mm vs MD 24mm 2.8. Have you seen similar test from “rokkor files”? http://www.rokkorfiles.com/24-50mm.htm
It looks much different at 24mm!
What I thing may be the reason for that:
– Your 24mm 2.8 is not the best copy
– Your 24-50 is an exceptional copy ))
– MD W Rokkor 24mm (from another test) is a better lens, than later plain MD 24mm! I have MD 24mm 2.8 and find it kind of suddenly soft in middle-corner.
– Object that you focus to in your test are far more distant, than in rokkor files test. So, maybe there is a difference in focusing distance or corner/center focusing is somehow depends on this factor.
Really really interesting where is the truth! )
Tony · 2019-05-07 at 15:38
Hi. You see the truth.
“– Your 24mm 2.8 is not the best copy” – to my regret I haven’t another one MD24/2.8, but I was lucky to get MD VFC 24/2.8 and compared both – https://lens.ws//2018/03/21/resolution-test-minolta-md-24mm-f-2-8-vs-md-vfc-24mm-f-2-8/ – there is no reasons to think that reviewed MD24/2.8 isn’t a good copy
“– Your 24-50 is an exceptional copy ))” – that’s possible, but sounds strange, because otherwise all another copies made by Minolta should be bad, but it’s impossible case
“– MD W Rokkor 24mm (from another test) is a better lens, than later plain MD 24mm” – nope. The latest MD is the slightly better. By the way, compared MD VFC 24/2.8 has the same scheme and IQ as previous generation of Rokkors.
“– Object that you focus to in your test are far more distant, than in rokkor files test.” – sounds like a claim.. , anyway, comparisons with 24mm focal distances have been performed on the site many times, and this particular battle doesn’t shows anything abnormal
“So, maybe there is a difference in focusing distance or corner/center focusing is somehow depends on this factor.” – it won’t help even if it would be so. You can read more here – https://lens.ws//2019/04/22/the-focus-point-position-influence-on-test-results/
Egor Nikolaev · 2019-05-07 at 20:43
Interesting to learn about VFC 24mm. As for MD W rokkor 24 vs MD 24, I couldn’t find any info with tests…
As for the focusing distance, no claims here ), just mentioned the difference in tests. And I was not very familiar with field curvature and testing methods, thanks for the link.
The mystery of 24mm remains…)